Kika Thorne, 1999 -ongoing
5 3’x 4’ posters randomly wheat-pasted around the city
Work Labour Action is a five photo poster narrative from the life of Hannah Arendt. Each image is taken during the period in which she was writing a seminal text: The Loves of St. Augustine (1924); The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951); The Human Condition (1958); Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (1963), On Revolution (1963); The Life of The Mind: Willing, Thinking (1977). Work represents the work of art, the thing that is left behind, Labour is the maintenance, the task of postering for instance, Action is the political speech enacted in the public sphere.
(Top) Street Scene, an group show curated by Lee Plested at Murray Guy in Chelsea, New York. The 5 bluelines are crudely wheat-pasted to the gallery walls. Gareth Moore's work is the background.
(Below) This site is at the corner of Euclid and Queen on a TD Canada Trust, Toronto.

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