Store bought mirror balls, aircraft cable, vinyl
"A model of Saturn hovers on its axis with an air of science fair amiability. In an age of technological dexterity and simulation, there is something readily accessible about this human-scaled heavenly body, constructed from disco ball and vinyl. The familiarity of the material opens up a multivalent associative field in which the viewer can pleasure. In the dust of the afternoon, however, mirror balls and vinyl tend to conjure memories of bygone fun. A slight touch anywhere along the planet's axis will cause it to sway. Perhaps this is why Thorne's rendition of the "sad planet" evokes amusement and regret. This captivating object might lure the viewer into a temporary reverie, but it soon prompts thought on the notions of balance, tension, and suspension. Thorne's model is part of a larger project to represent Kepler's solar system – reflecting the light between individuals and systemic consequences." Tusa Shea, University of Victoria
The two top images are from Street Scene an exhibition at Murray Guy (NY) curated by Lee Plested, the photographs also feature work by Luis Jacob and Lucy Pullen. After mounting Saturn - Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury were installed by gallerists Janice Guy and Margaret Murray over the duration of the show, as if we were travelling through space, with the date of installation synonymous with the date of landing.